Sale and Purchase Agreement, gift, lease
Under the legislation in force, a Sale and Purchase Agreement can only be registered in the Land Registry after the involvement of a lawyer, as it is formally subject to the countersignature of a lawyer.
You can also contact me for the drafting, countersigning and opinion of a Sale and Purchase Agreement. I can also draft and comment on Gift and Lease agreements, as well as represent you in litigation.
Incorporation, modification, GDPR
Legal representation before the Company Court is mandatory in corporate law matters. I am at your disposal for any corporate matters, whether of a permanent or ad hoc nature (incorporation, registration of changes, etc.), or any litigation or non-litigation proceedings concerning them.
I also undertake any administrative and legal representation in connection with other legal entities (foundations, associations, etc.), as well as the drafting of internal regulations for companies, GDPR and data protection notices.
Hearing, mediation, settlement
I believe it is important for the lawyer to be able to apply the knowledge gained over the years by learning the rules of procedure in the courtroom, thus contributing to the success of the case and in turn, the success of the client.
In civil and administrative cases, I provide litigation representation in all areas of the country, from the planning of the negotiation strategy to the legally binding decision.
Agreements, representation before authorities, claims
I assist my clients in drafting and reviewing agreements (contracting agreement, contract of services, etc.) and agreements in Hungarian, English and Italian, both in everyday and business life.
Please contact me for the full range of services related to proceedings before authorities, order for payment procedures, and any other matters related to the management of claims (payment reminders, liquidation proceedings).